Tongue twisters in English
(2021-06-27 23:16)
A sentence or series of words that is hard to say correctly is called a tongue twister in English. Children love tongue twisters and challenge their friends to try to say them fast several times in row. For English learners, tongue twisters are a fun way to work on one or two sounds at a time to get the pronunciation just right. Start by saying the tongue twister slowly, then try to speed up. Once you can say a tongue twister through, try to say it twice or three times in a row for a bigger challenge.
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Tongue twister | Sounds/words emphasized | Difficulty (for a native speaker) |
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? | wood & chuck (means: throw) | Easy |
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick? | p | Easy |
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? | can | Easy |
Frivolously fanciful Fannie fried fresh fish furiously | f | Easy |
To begin to toboggan first buy a toboggan, but don't buy too big a toboggan. Too big a toboggan is too big a toboggan to buy to begin to toboggan. | b & t | Easy |
She saw Sharif's shoes on the sofa. But was she so sure those were Sharif's shoes she saw? | s & sh | Easy |
Give papa a cup of proper coffe in a copper coffe cup. | c & p | Medium |
Black background, brown background | b | Medium |
Seventy-seven benevolent elephants | l & v | Medium |
The chic Sikh's sixty-sixth sheep is sick | s & k | Medium |
A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule. | l & r | Medium |
A pessemistic pest exists amidst us. | s & st | Medium |
Drew Dodd's dad's dog's dead. | d | Medium |
Which witch switched the Swiss wristwatches? | w, s & ch | Hard |
She sells seashells by the seashore. | s & sh | Hard |
Betty Botter bought some butter But she said the butter’s bitter If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter But a bit of better butter will make my batter better So ‘twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter | b | Medium |
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can? | c | Easy |
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream | c & s | Easy |
I saw Susie sitting in a shoeshine shop | s, sh | Easy |
Susie works in a shoeshine shop. Where she shines she sits, and where she sits she shines | s, sh | Easy |
I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen | k, ch, | Easy |
If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose? | Easy | |
I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you | Easy | |
I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch | Easy | |
Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear | Medium | |
A big black bear sat on a big black rug | Medium | |
Tom threw Tim three thumbtacks | Easy | |
He threw three free throws | Medium | |
Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely | Hard | |
Four fine fresh fish for you | Medium | |
Which witch is which? (x3) | Hard | |
We surely shall see the sun shine soon | Medium | |
Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches? | Medium | |
I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit | Medium | |
A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk | Hard | |
Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better | Hard | |
Of all the vids I’ve ever viewed, I’ve never viewed a vid as valued as Alex’s engVid vid | Medium |
Sources: EF Education First, EngVid
Nguồn: EF, EngVid