"Imitation Technique" - Helping you to become a bolder, braver, more confident English speaker.
(2021-06-28 14:48)
Expressing yourself is about so much more than just words!
Imitating a native speaker can improve your English pronunciation and expression faster than any other method.
Like singing your favourite song or pretending to be your favourite actor in a movie, speaking English is a performance.
It’s not just what you say, but how you say it.
The Imitation Technique gives you the chance to perform in English, it’s like you become a native English speaker!
By copying the words, stress, pauses, intonation, facial expressions and gestures of native English speakers, you are teaching yourself to communicate in the most natural way.
Check the video below to understand more the real situation.
Learn more at mmmEnglish
Nguồn: mmmenglish