ChatGPT: resolve matching questions in seconds
(2023-04-06 08:35)
ChatGPT, this term has been hot up to even years later due to its breakthroughs. We won't say much about it about its amazing usefulness. Today, we just pick a very tiny part of it, resolving matching questions in English.
In learning languages, e.g. English, we surely have to work on passage, read, understand then answer the question list. ChatGPT will help you resolve them very effectively.
I'd like to take an example from Staying Hydrated - ESL Lesson Plan - Breaking News English Lesson,
- Using Edge, open the website -
- On the right side of Edge, click on the BIG BLUE B ICON
- Scroll to Vocabulary section
- Highlight all vocabs and meaning
- On BingChat window, tap Send to send all selected content into this chat window.
- Using this query: match numeric part to alphabet part
- Wait a second and they will be matched correctly with beautiful format that you can copy and paste to where you need.
Enjoy learning!